Thursday, April 26, 2007

Password Rant

Everywhere you go, you read articles about using strong passwords. Make them long; mix numbers, letters, and symbols; avoid dictionary words. I generally abide by this. I use a password scheme that's easy to remember and generates a strong password for each of my many many accounts (while keeping the passwords distinct enough that it's not a simple matter to crack my other passwords based on just one of them).

But sometimes, the website fights your attempt at creating strong passwords by not allowing you to use nonalphanumeric characters. This annoys the snot out of me. As a result, I need to have a slightly altered password scheme for those special sites that won't let me use esoteric characters such as the hypen. What is so hard about allowing symbols? I'm not asking for the ability to make my password šáüê♣τ - but come on people.

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